Hair And Textures

Fashion Illustration 3(1+2)

Lesson 11 : Face, Hands, Arms, Legs, Feet and Hair

Hair And Textures

One must remember to cover the skull and create a hairline on the face while rendering hair. This can get tricky if the hairline is not well established. Notice how different kinds of hair fall and try rendering it using different techniques. Also, keep in mind the light and the movement of hair to give it a real feel. Also, remember to never start rendering hair with black, rather start with a dark shade of brown or blue and build it up to create more depth.

Once you determine the kind of hair being rendered, use the appropriate lines to illustrate the same. For example, use long and flowing lines for soft curled hair or short strokes for short hair and squiggles for tight curls, etc.

Last modified: Monday, 14 May 2012, 9:09 AM