Social Participation

Lesson 39 : Opinion Leadership

Social Participation

Higher the social participation of a person the more is the promise in him of becoming a leader. It is assumed that a person already having active participation in the existing organizations will be useful to provide leadership in the new situation. In this method, the selection is made of those people who are already holding positions in other organizations.


  • Less chances of risk because selection is made of a person who has already exhibited his leadership qualities and is popular among the people.
  • Past experience of the leader can be made use of in the new situation.
  • It will be possible to get support from other organizations.
  • He can also get official support for the programme due to his social contacts.


  • As he is already busy, it may not be possible for him to find time to participate in the new activities.
  • Social distance may be more between these leaders and the people.
  • This method can not be applied in those situations where very few or no social organization exists.
  • These persons may not be active members of a particular group.
Last modified: Saturday, 28 January 2012, 8:22 AM