Socio-economic constraints

Lesson 47 : Strategies for Transfer of Home Science Technology and Constraints in Adoption

Socio-economic constraints

  1. Time lag in input supply and output marketing- This will have direct impact on the adoption decision whether to accept or reject the innovation, as untimely supply inputs hinders the process and delay in marketing of output may result in financial irregularities.

  2. Non-adoption of recommended supporting system- To be more functional, many times a new idea may require good supporting system, in the absence of which, the innovation can not be adopted.. For example, UPS to computer/ lack of hygienic packing material for weaning mix entrepreneur.

  3. Lack of scientific knowledge: Mere listening and witnessing of the use of an innovation may not go for adoption unless the client has complete knowledge . Adequate information material is essential.

  4. Difficulty in accessing credit facilities: If the adoption of innovation involves additional expenditure, the client needs to be supported with credit facility, in the absence of which, the innovation cannot be adopted.

  5. Fluctuating investment factors :If the clientele experiences fluctuation in the cost involvement of the innovation, there may be a decision to reject the adoption decision.

    • Lack of support from social system: If all the units of social system are not willing to adopt the innovation, the technology will be rejected.
    • Low purchasing power: Innovation may be viable, but its affordability is beyond the capacity of the clientele then such innovations may not be accepted.

  6. Interlock system: An innovation many times is a combination of many functions. If these functions are not comparable to each other the clientele rejects it.

  7. Lack of collective action: Collective action will have direct impact on the effectiveness of the innovation. Especially in case of farming innovations, unless all the adjacent farmers together adopt the innovation like control of pest on crops or viral attack on poultry birds etc., the impact is seen.

  8. Lack of policy support: Where there is huge investment is required clientele look for Government support in terms of policy.
Last modified: Thursday, 2 February 2012, 7:26 AM