Unit - 3
Identify the possible exercises that can be performed with the available equipment. Identify on paper 3 to 4 circuits of 6 to 10 exercise. In each circuit try to ensure that no two consecutive exercises exercise the same muscle group. e.g. do not have press ups followed by pull ups.

A circuit should be set up so that you work each body part as follows: Total-body, Upper-body, Lower-body, Core & Trunk, Total-body etc. For each circuit I have a set of linoleum cards (6 inches by 6 inches) with an exercise written on each that I lay by the equipment to indicate to the athletes the required exercise at each stage of the circuit.

It is important to conduct a warm up at the start of the session and a cool down at the end of the session.

Last modified: Wednesday, 29 June 2011, 9:37 AM