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5.4. Marginal weeds
5.4. Marginal weeds
Typha sp.
- Found in slow moving streams and margins of lakes and river banks
- Perennial, robust, 2-4 m tall plant
- Stem without nodes, spongy, arising from subterraneous rhizomes
- Leave long, flat, linear, soft
- Spikes 15-30 cm long, drumstick like
- Triangular stems
- Leaves arise in rosette from stem base.
- Prominent inflorescence that has simple of compound flowers
- Perennial marginal weed found in shoreline marshes
- Usually soft leaves, small, clasped to stem base

Marsilia quadrifolia
- Small fern of shallow waters
- 50-100cm long stolon
- 4 flower-like leaflets placed on tip of a slender stalk.
- Common in ponds and paddy fields
- Common marginal weed found in groups or rows along the margin of ponds.
- Leaves ovate, 6-20 inches in length and 3-12 inches wide
- Apex rounded, leaf margins dark green
- Petiole 3-4 feet long and green, violet or purple in colour
- Has tuberous rhizome
- Shoots and leaves eaten in certain areas
Last modified: Monday, 2 July 2012, 9:52 AM