Levelling Staff - Classification

Unit 1- Surveying

Levelling Staff
Levelling staff in a straight rectangular rod having graduations the foot of the staff representing zero reading. The purpose of a level is to establish a horizontal line of sight. The purpose of levelling staff is to determine the amount by which the station (foot of the staff ) is above or below the line of sight.

Levelling staffs may be classified into two classes.
  • Self reading staff
  • Target staff
Self reading staff
is the one which can be read directly by the instrument man through the telescope.
Target staff: on the other hand, contains a moving target against which the reading is taken by a staff man.

There are usually three forms of self reading staff
  • Solid staff
  • Folding staff
  • Telescopic
Last modified: Tuesday, 17 May 2011, 8:36 AM