Contour surveying - Definition

Unit 1- Surveying
Contour surveying

Contour is an imaginary line on the ground joining the points of equal elevation. It is a line in which the surface of ground is intersected by a level surface. “A contour line is a line on a map representing a contour”.


Fig shows a pond with water at an elevation of 100 m. If the water is lowered by one meter another water mark representing 99.00 m elevation will be obtained. These water marks may be surveyed and represented on the map in the form of contours. A topographic map represents a clear picture of the surface of the ground. If a map is to a big scale it shows where the ground is nearly level where it is sloping, where the slopes are steep and where they are gradual. If a map is to a small scale, it shows the flat country.

Last modified: Thursday, 12 May 2011, 9:00 AM