13.4.1. Determination of CCPs

Unit 13 - Diversified fish products/ value addition
13.4.1. Determination of CCPs
The relevance of each identified hazard in each stage of the process is considered. If the hazard can be reduced, prevented or eliminated through some form of control at a particular stage, it is a CCP.
There are two types of CCPs, CCP1 and CCP2. The CCP1 will ensure the control of a hazard, whereas CCP2 will minimise the hazard, but will not assure its control. Both are important and should be controlled. A judgement of risk also must be made so that a level of concern can be ascribed to it. The four levels of concern are
  • High concern, where without control there is a life threatening risk.
  • Medium concern, where there is a threat to the consumer that must be controlled.
  • Low concern, where there is little threat to the consumer; still is advantageous to control it.
  • No concern, where there is no threat to the consumer.
The points which are not critical because of low risks need less control and monitoring. If a hazard can be controlled at more than one point, the most effective place for control should be decided.

Last modified: Tuesday, 17 July 2012, 5:44 AM