2.1.3 Functions

2.1.3 Functions

The X-organ secretes several neurohormones such as

  1. Ovary (gonad) Inhibiting Hormones (OIH/GIH)
  2. Moult Inhibiting Hormone (MIH)
  3. Light adapting hormone or distal retinal pigment hormone
  4. Hyper Glycemic Factor (CHH- Crustacean Hyperglycaemic Hormone)
  5. Erythrophore concentrating hormone &
  6. Neuro depressing hormone.

Out of these, OIH and MIH are directly involved in reproduction. This hormone acts on the molt stimulating hormone and inhibits its action.  The action of MIH over MSH is called bihormonal action. 

Last modified: Saturday, 24 December 2011, 7:35 AM