2.1.4 Growth Stimulating Hormone

2.1.4 Growth Stimulating Hormone

Growth Stimulating Hormone(GSH) is also known as Moult or Gonad Stimulating Hormone. It is secreted by the Thoracic ganglia.

Neurosecretory neurons of supra oesophageal ganglia believed to secrete a gonad stimulatory hormone releasing factor (GSHRF) which stimulates the secretion of GSH (Gonad Stimulating Hormone) from thoracic ganglia(But in Mexican cray fish, Procambarus borverii, GSH has been found in sinus gland).

Major functions of this GSH include stimualting the development of gonads, gametogenesis, energy conservation for spawning and prepartion of the animal for breeding. This hormone is believed to be a complex with more fractions responsible for the ion regulation and physiological control of the animal for breeding. The modular - activator - inhibitor mechanism present in this complex will lead to the release of GIH or MIH from X-organ sinus gland.

Last modified: Sunday, 25 December 2011, 5:56 AM