2.1.7 Effects

2.1.7 Effects

Testes are said to have no endocrine role whereas the androgeneic gland is shown to be endocrine in function. The secretion of this gland (androgenic hormone) controls male secondary sexual characters and spermatogenesis. If androgenic gland is removed from a genetic male, it may develop ovary and change into a female. So, a genetic female can be changed to male by the transplantation of androgenic glands into females.

OIH or GIH of X-organ-sinus gland complex is reported to control the ovarian development. Ovary develops rapidly and undergoes vitellogenesis and maturation if MIH is inhibited. Because, of its specific role in vitelleogenesis it is called VIH (Vitellogenesis Inhibiting Hormone). It is for this reason that eye stalk, ablation is practiced to induce ovarian maturation in shrimps, prawns / crabs in hatcheries. During eye-stalk ablation X-organ sinus gland complex is removed along with the eye-stalk thereby the ovary is free from the inhibiting effect of OIH and MIH.

Last modified: Saturday, 24 December 2011, 7:40 AM