

  • Readers are advised to go the sub segments sequentially as it will help these to understand the subject easily.
  • A visit to feed mill or nutrition laboratory to feel the texture of the samples of feed ingredients is advisable prior to reading this chapter. However, it is not mandatory, as relevant photographs are inserted for the reader to recognize the feed ingredients.
  • Important points have been listed in the box for ready reference. Readers are advised to view power point presentation for easy understanding.
  • Readers are advised to thoroughly understand this chapter as it forms the foundation for feed formulation.
  • Feed or feed ingredients that supplies higher-level of major nutrients but contains less than 18 % crude fibre are called as concentrates and those having more than 18% crude fibre are classified as roughage.
  • Concentrates containing higher than 18% protein are called protein rich concentrates while those containing less than 18% protein are called “Energy rich concentrates”.


Last modified: Tuesday, 27 March 2012, 9:50 AM