Cereal Grains:
Cereal grains are rich in starch containing 8-12% of crude protein with low lysine and methionine, 2-5% fats, less than 0.15% of calcium and relatively higher phosphorus to the extent of 0.3-0.5%.
Phosphorus in cereals is present in the form of phytates, which has the ability to immobilize dietary calcium.
Cereal grains are rich source of thiamine and vitamin E but deficient in vitamin A and riboflavin except yellow maize, which is rich in provitamin A.
The commonly used cereals in feed are maize, barley, oats, wheat, rice etc,.
- CP: 8-12%
- TDN: 68-72%
- Fat: 2-5%
- Low in lysine, Methionine.
- P in the form of phytates
- Ca; 0.15%; P 0.3 –5.0%
Maize or Corn (Zea maize):
The maize kernel contains two main proteins Zein and Glutelin.
Recently, new variety of maize (Floury 2) was produced at UK with high methionine and lysine.
Farm animals are fed with crushed maize.
Flaked maize decreases the acetic acid to propionic acid proportion in rumen and hence depresses the butterfat content of milk.
Improperly stored maize having higher moisture content are prone to aspergillus flavus infestation and produce aflatoxin.
- High TDN: 85%
- Prone to Aflatoxin
- Flaked maize depress milk fat%
Barley (Hordeum vulgare):
Barley has high fibre content with 6-14% of crude protein having low lysine and less than 2% of oil content.
Barley is a main concentrate food for fattening pigs in UK.
The awns of barley should be removed, crimped or coarsely ground before feeding poultry or swine.
Veriety “Notch 2” developed at UK is rich in lysine.
Main ingredent used for fattening of pigs in UK
Oats (Avena sativa):
Oats has highest crude fibre of 12 - 16% with 7-15% of crude protein.
Methionine, histidine and tryptophan are deficient in oats but abundant in glutamic acid.
Cattle and sheep are fed with crushed or bruised oats whereas pigs and poultry are fed with ground oats.
Abundant in Glutamic acid
Wheat (Triticum aestivum):
The endosperm contains prolamin (gliadin) and glutelin (glutenin) protein mixture, which is referred as gluten.
Wheat gluten decides whether the flour is suitable for bread or biscuit making.
Strong gluten is preferred for bread making since it form dough, which traps the gasses, produced during yeast fermentation.
Finely milled wheat is unpalatable to animals because it forms the pasty mass in the mouth and may lead to digestive upset.
- Strong gluten suitable for bread making.
- Do not feed finely ground wheat to farm animals
Rice (Oryza sativa):
Nutritive value comparable to Maize
Rye (Secale cereale):
Millets :
Sorghum /Jowar / Milo (Sorghum vulgare):
Lower in fat than Maize
Bajra / Cumbu (Pennensetum typhoides):
Nutritive value of bajra is similar to sorghum with 8-12% of crude protein and rich tannin content.
- Seeds are hard so they have to be ground or crushed before feeding to cattle.
Rich in Tannin