Meat and bone meal
- Rendering is a process that converts waste animal tissue into stable, value-added materials.
- The carcasses of animals can be used as meat meals after drying or grinding.
- The product must be substantially free of hooves, horns, bristle, hair and feathers, skin and contents of stomach and viscera.
- Its protein content ranges from 60-70% useful as lysine supplement but less amount of amino acids like methionine and tryptophan affect their protein quality.
- It has fat level upto 9%.
- The enteric factor from the intestinal tract of swine, the ‘ Ackerman’ factor and growth factor in ash are important in meat meal.
- Meat meal is more valuable for simple-stomached animals than ruminants.
- Meat meal as well as meat and bone meal are readily eaten by pig and poultry and can be included upto 15% in the diet.
- Meat and bone meal has been banned in the feeding of ruminants due to the possibility of BSE
- Ackerman factor in the intestinal tract of swine.
- Growth factor in ash.
- Carcasses of animals rendered & converted into stable value-added material.
- 60-70% protein and good source of lysine.
- Meat and bone meal has been banned in the feeding of ruminants due to the possibility of BSE
Last modified: Tuesday, 27 March 2012, 10:16 AM