

Examine the ventral face of the brain and study the following structures 


  • At the anterior extremity of each hemisphere is the olfactory bulb continous behind with the olfactory tract and the two diverging olfactory striae.
  • Between the striae is the trigonum olfactorium behind which is the fossa lateralis. Behind the fossa is the piriform lobe.
  • On the median line, the brain stem is continous behind with the spinal cord and in front it consists of the following from behind forwards.
  • The medulla oblongata, the pons and the cerebral peduncles.
  • The cerebral peduncles diverge in front to enclose the interpenduncular fossa and disappear into the corresponding cerebral hemispheres.
  • The fossa presents the tuber cinerium, a grey eminence to which the infundibulum of the pituitaty gland is attached and behind this is the mamillary body.
  • The anterior end of each cerebral peduncle is crossed by a band of white matter the optic tract that forms with its fellow the optic chiasma.
  • Examine the brain from the dorsal aspect and study the fissures and convolutions of the cerebrum.
Last modified: Thursday, 3 May 2012, 6:21 AM