Mid brain



  • Make a transverse section of the midbrain at the level of the anterior colliculi.
  • Note the red nucleus and cerebral aqueduct.
  • The Pons, a transverse prominence on the ventral aspect of the brain stem between the cerebral peduncles and the medulla oblongata should be studied now.
  • The cerebellum consists of a median lobe - the vermis and two lateral hemispheres and overlies the pons and the greater part of medulla oblogata, forming the roof of the fourth ventricle.
  • The anterior medullary velum is thin lamina of white matter extending from the anterior extremity of the cerebellum to the midbrain.
  • The cerebellum is connected to the other part of brain by the three pairs of peduncles, the anterior or brachium conjunctivum, the middle or the brachium pontis and the posterior or the restiform body.
Last modified: Thursday, 3 May 2012, 6:26 AM