Basal ganglia



  • With a brain knife slice away the upper part of the cerebrum to the level of the cingular gyrus and with blunt end of the scalpel scrape off the gray matter the cingular gyrus.
  • Note a curved band of white matter the cingulum, connecting the frontal and occipital poles of the hemisphere.
  • With the blunt end of the scalpel raise the cingulum and expose the corpus callosum, removing away the gray matter on its lateral aspects.
  • Study the corpus callosum (refer also to sagittal section of the brain) and the indusium griseum, a thin layer of gray matter with the longitudinal olfactory striae on the dorsal face of the corpus callosum.


  • Make a frontal section of the corpus striatum.
  • The corpus striatum consits of two masses of gray matter the caudate and lenticular nuclei separated by tracts of white matter the internal capsule.
  • The external capsule is a thin layer of white matte on the lateral aspect of the lenticular nucleus, lateral to which is a dentated mass of grey matter the claustrum. Lateral to the claustrum is the insular cortex.

Last modified: Thursday, 3 May 2012, 6:26 AM