Preparations for catching



  • It is essential to return to 23 hours of light (5 to 10 lux or 0.5 to 1.0 foot candles) at least 3 days prior to catching if the birds are under restricted lighting regimen. This will ensure that the birds are calm during collection.


  • A withdrawal feed should be fed for sufficient time prior to slaughter to eliminate the risk of pharmaceutical product residues in the meat.
  • Statutory withdrawal periods for coccidiostats and other prescribed medicines that are specified in product data sheets must be followed. This is particularly important if the meat is destined to export.
  • Remove feed from the birds 8 to 10 hours before the expected slaughter time to reduce faecal contamination at the processing plant. This period should include catching, transport and holding time.
  • If the time that the birds are without feed is prolonged, water absorbed from body tissue accumulates in the digestive tract resulting in reduced yield.
  • Faecal contamination may also be increased.
  • The presence of watery droppings from broilers waiting to be processed is an indication that the birds have been without feed for too long.
  • Other indicators include watery yellow fluid in the small intestine and litter materials in the crop and gizzard.


  • Unlimited access to water is provided for as long as possible and water is removed only when absolutely necessary.
Last modified: Friday, 4 May 2012, 9:20 AM