Successful production of the maximum number of high quality carcasses with good yield depends on effective integration of the growing, catching and processing operations.
Careful planning and communication between the farm and processing plant will allow processing to proceed effectively.
Management on the farm can influence the efficient operation of the killing, plucking and evisceration processes. To minimize faecal contamination, carcass damage and downgrading, close attention should be given to:
Litter quality
Stocking density
Feed removal times
Holding time
Present clean birds to the processor. Maintain good litter quality, depth and condition to minimize hock burn and other carcass quality problems.
Scratching damage may be increased under high stocking densities, or when feeder or drinker spaces are inadequate, especially when lighting or feed control is used.
The birds should be processed under conditions that maintain best welfare of the birds.
Minimize transport and holding times to reduce stress and dehydration.
Fig.11.8. Line processing of broilers
Last modified: Friday, 4 May 2012, 10:05 AM