Aspergillosis is defined as any disease condition caused by a member of the fungal genus Aspergillits.
In the goose, as in most other classes of poultry, the organs most affected are the lungs, hence the term Pulmonary Asperbillosis.
The disease can be quite severe in young goslings as they may become infected during hatching and even embryos may become infected.
The source of infection can be either dirty incubator equipment and/or dirty eggs. Dirty eggs can contaminate both the setter and hatcher. In addition, it is possible for Aspcrgillits to penetrate the egg which is how embryos can become infected.
Young growing goslings are also susceptible to Asperbillosis but usually not as severely although they can be infected from contaminated litter.
The symptoms are difficult and accelerated breathing (gasping) with rattling or gurgling oises. The birds might be very depressed and mortality can be high.
Nervous symptoms may appear in a small percentage of the birds and can be accompanied by increased thirst and diarrhoca.
The first step is to clean the hatching facilities, or-anizc a good sanitation programme and ensure that all hatching eggs are cleaned and fumigated as soon as possible after laying.
Mouldy feed and litter must be removed and destroyed and the building cleaned and disinfected with 1:2000 copper sulphate.
The treatment of Aspergillosis is not always effective. Nystatin and Amphoteciricine-B have proven to be the most effective medications for geese.
If these are not available, a recommended low cost treatment consists of 5 percent potassium iodine in the drinking water for three days, followed by two days of no treatment and then a second treatment for three days.
Last modified: Tuesday, 8 May 2012, 9:49 AM