

  • This is a protozoan disease caused by parasites of the genus Cri~ptosporidium which infects both the lungs and intestine of geese.
  • It is found worldwide wherever commercial poultry are raised and, as poultry health specialists develop appropriate tools to identify it, it is expected that more cases will be reported. This probably explains why reports from the goose industry are that its incidence seems to be on the increase.


  • One form of Cryptosporidiosis infects the respiratory tract and the symptoms include depression, sneezing and respiratory distress with moderate mortality.
  • The other form infects the digestive tract and the symptoms include diarrhoea and, if the geese are young, can result in a relatively high mortality rate. Because a number of diseases can produce the same symptoms, fluids obtained from respiratory tract and the faeces should be examined for oocysts.


  • There are no effective drugs for the prevention or treatment of Cn7)tosporidii{rn. There is evidence that once infected birds recover, they are immune, but to date no vaccine has been developed.
  • Good sanitation is recommended as a preventative measure, together with steam cleaning of infected premises. The oocysts of Cryptosporidiurn are extremely hardy.
Last modified: Tuesday, 8 May 2012, 9:57 AM