Control and prevention of disease


Recommendations for the controland prevention of disease in geese

  • Examine the geese before buying them. Buy geese only from a reliable breeder
  • Before the arrival of new geese, make sure that there is adequate good quality feed and water
  • Keep feed troughs and drinkers clean
  • Provide a stress-free environment for the geese (away from noise and other disturbing elements)
  • Do not add birds from an outside source to your own flock; if you must have additional (Teese, it is better to establish a second flock
  • Keep breeders away from growing geese
  • The younger the geese, the more susceptible they are to diseases so never mix geese of different ages
  • Give timely vaccines and medications. Always use the correct vaccine or medication at the recommended dose
  • When inspecting the geese, always go from the youngest to the oldest
  • Isolate any sick geese immediately. Removing sick geese from a flock reduces the number of infectious organisms available to pen mates
  • Safely destroy dead geese immediately by either incinerating or burying them. Get an early diagnostic report by sending sample carcasses to a veterinary laboratory for a diagnosis of the cause of death
  • Discourage visitors to the farm and do not allow visitors without protective clothing onto the farm. ake sure that they have not been near other geese for at least 14 days prior to their visit
  • When selling geese, do not allow a buyer to bring unclean crates and/or boxes onto the farm for ransporting the geese
  • Thoroughly clean and disinfect the building and equipment between flocks of geese. This may not render the building sterile but it can reduce the number of infectious organisms to such a low level that they cannot initiate a flock infection
  • As much as possible, keep wild birds out of your pens
  • Maintain complete records at all times.
Last modified: Wednesday, 9 May 2012, 4:10 AM