

  • Chlamydiosis is a general term which refers to infections caused by a bacterium of the genus Chlamvclophila.
  • In birds, the disease is caused by Chlcirni'dophil« psittaci and, although reported in geese, is very rare. It is however a disease of public health significance in that it is transmissible to other animals as well as to hurnans.


  • The disease has been reported to affect a wide range of organs with symptoms including mild respiratory difficulties, conjunctivitis, inflammation of the sinuses, rhinitis, diarrhoea and atrophy of the breast muscle.


  • The antibiotics of choice to treat this disease are the tetracyclines. In some cases salmonellosis may be a complicating factor and it may be necessary to use a combination of antibiotics.
Last modified: Tuesday, 8 May 2012, 9:50 AM