Pre – requisites for agglutination reaction


  • The antigen (agglutinogen) should be in particulate form and remain in the suspension for sufficiently long time.
  • The antibody (agglutinin) should be directed to the target surface epitope.
  • Antigen – antibody should be present in optimal proportions.
  • An electrolyte is necessary for the reaction to take place and usually the reaction is carried out in physiological saline solutions (0.85% NaCl). Because of the overall negative charge on red cells or bacteria at neutral pH it is difficult for them to come close enough, so that for molecule such as 1gG antibodies are able to form a bridge between epitope of two different cells or bacteria. The presence of salt tends to neutralize the charge effects to allow agglutination.
Last modified: Thursday, 26 August 2010, 11:28 AM