Importance of Colostrum Feeding


  • In cattle the antibodies (gamma globulins) are transferred from mother to the calf through colostrum. These gama globulins will be absorbed as such by the calf and will enter its system forming a ready made antibody, resistance system, for the calf against all the disease producing agents and other antigens the mother has had, encountered during its lifetime.
  • This will protect the calf against diseases in the early stages, until their own antibody manufacturing system takes over. Thus, it colostrum is not fed, the calves are denied antibody cover and, therefore, will remain susceptible to many diseases. Most likely, they will perish due to some disease or the other.
  • Besides, colostrums is highly nutritious. It is slightly laxative and prevents constipation. This is helpful because the diet of the young calf being totally devoid of crude fibre might cause constipation.
  • Feeding antibiotics. Antibiotic feed supplements like Aureomy cin, Terramycin, Pencillin and different combinations, of these antibiotics when supplemented in feed result in improved appetite, 10-30% increased growth, smoother hair coat and reduction in incidence of calf scours.
  • For example, feeding Aureomycin at a rate of 80 mg per calf per day between 4th and 116th day resulted in an increase of 10-30 per cent in their growth rate. It has been observed that the antibiotic feed supplementation is more effective in less hygienic environments.
Last modified: Tuesday, 10 April 2012, 11:25 AM