Area size


  • The size of the site should be given a careful consideration with allowance for the various buildings and traffic circulation.
  • Modern livestock and meat transport vehicles have very large turning circles: 14 m for a vehicle 15 m long.
  • Completely separate routes for stock and meat vehicles should be provided.
  • Approach roads should be at least 6 m wide.
  • When all the various buildings are considered, it will be realized that a large area is necessary.

Area requirement

  • Generally for a small abattoir (up to 30,000 units*/year) the area required will be about 1-2 acres.
  • For a medium plant (50,000+ units*/year) about 2-4 acres will be required.
  • A large abattoir handling over 100,000 units* annually will require about 4-6 acres of land.

       *One livesotock unit is equivalent to ONE adult bovine or TWO pigs, THREE calves or FIVE sheep.

Last modified: Thursday, 12 April 2012, 8:27 AM