Cattle lairage
Dimension of pens
Drinking water must be always available to animals with a gravitational force.
One cistern sufficient to feed three troughs.
In tie-up type lairage long water troughs satifactory for easy cleansing than individual troughs or bowls.
Hayracks to be provided.
Animals are fed twice daily except on the day of intended slaughter or from the afternoon preceding the morning of intended slaughter.
- Hydrant points are placed conveniently so that all parts of the lairage can be reached.
An estimated amount of about 680 litres of water per cattle slaughtered is sufficient for cleaning.
Passage should be wide enough to admit entry of a vehicle for the removal of manure and dead animals.
Ease of cleaning, comfort for the animals and ease of handling to be emphasised.
Last modified: Wednesday, 12 October 2011, 4:31 AM