Floor and wall finishes
All parts of the meat plants must be able to clean easily and the floors and walls should be non-toxic and non-absorbent. The floors should be non slippery.
It is recommended that walls should be coated with a smooth, durable, impervious material to a height of not less than 3 m from the floor.
Surface materials should be capable of withstanding impact, doors should be wide enough to allow easy passage of personnel.
Good ventilation, insulation and easily cleaned surfaces will minimize the disruption of routine works.
Abattoir operations entail wet floors on which are usually present quantities of fat and blood. While floor finishes should be easily cleaned, they should also non-slip.
Walls and floors may be made of concrete or tiles. Wall sheets are often used in the form of plastic laminates, aluminum, polished asbestos, PVC-faced rust less metal or stainless steel.
Last modified: Tuesday, 11 October 2011, 11:36 AM