Lighting and Ventillation


  • Work rooms shall be provided with direct natural light and ventilation or artificial light.
  • Uncoloured glass with high transmissibility of light may be used in skylights and windows.
  • The glass area should be 1/4th the floor area of a work room.
  • The ratio can be increased where there is interference to admittance of natural light.
  • Sockets for the use of inspection lamps shall be provided at convenient places.
  • Well distributed artificial light of an overall intensity of not less than 200 lux throughout the slaughter hall and work rooms and at places where meat inspection is carried out, the overall intensity shall be not less than 500 lux.
  • Sufficient and suitable ventilation shall be provided to the outside.
  • Construction of the slaughter hall should be so arranged that the dressed carcasses are not exposed to direct sunlight.
Last modified: Wednesday, 15 September 2010, 5:28 AM