Large Scale Processing


  • Blood can be spray dried or batch dried.
  • Wet blood should be dried daily.
  • Well-dried blood can be milled whenever convenient.
  • Spray drying
    • This is similar to (that of) milk powder manufacture and yields a very fine water-soluble powder of light colour.
    • The defibrinated blood is blown through a fine nozzle into a heated chamber and falls down in the form of powder.
    • Installation is very costly and this is designed for larger production.
  • Batch drying
    • This is a blood drier, which is a matter similar to that of dry rendering of meat offal, but with a very smooth inner shell.
    • In this method, overcooking leads to over agitation and loss of fine particles in the wastewater whereas, under cooking has the same effect, as some uncoagulated blood will be lost.
    • Blood after coagulation, should have moisture content of slightly over 70%. 
Last modified: Thursday, 16 September 2010, 6:20 AM