

  • The mid-line of the ventral side form the rectum to the point of the jaw is opened down.
  • The breastbone is split.
  • The bung loosened and pulled out several inches to be sure that it is free.
  • Then tied with string.
  • Body cavity is opened (be careful to avoid cutting entrails).
  • If a barrow or boar, the penis must be loosened.
  • The intestines are loosened.
  • The kidney and Kidney fat are left intact.
  • Intestines, liver and stomach are lifted out.
    • Hands are slipped down the inside of the body cavity, then forward along the diaphragm, lifting out all abdominal entrails with an upward motion.
    • Oesophagus is cut.
    • Liver is removed - gal bladder stripped off - liver washed and weighed.
    • All abdominal entrails are weighed.
  • Diaphragm is removed.
  • Membrane only has to be cut out, leaving muscle intact.
  • With a downward motion, lungs and heart are pulled out, including the aorta.
  • These are known as the thoracic entrails, sometimes called the pluck.
  • Inside of each jawbone is cut down, and then along the dorsal side of the tongue to loosen, and then the pluck is to be pulled out.
    • Heart and tongue are removed - washed, weighed and plattered.
  • Head at the atlas joint is removed, leaving the jowls on the carcass.
  • The head is weighed.
    • Cheek meat and other head trimmings including brain are removed.
  • The inside of the carcass is washed. 
Last modified: Friday, 17 September 2010, 8:35 AM