Cultural characteristics, biochemical properties and resistance
Cultural characteristics
They are aerobic and facultative anaerobic, growing readily on simple media over a pH range of 6.8. Optimum temperature for growth is 370C.
On nutrient agar the colonies are large, circular, low convex and smooth.
The selective enriched media for salmonellae are tetrathionate broth, selenite broth and rappaport vasiliadis medium.
The host adapted serotypes from pigs and poultry are more fastidious than others.
They do not tolerate selenite broth and tetrathionate broth. In this case, Rappaport is highly suitable.
After 24-48 hr incubation on selective broth the subculture will be made on MacConkey agar, Brilliant green agar, XLD and Salmonella Shigella (SS) agar.
The majority of salmonellae, except some strains of S.arizonae, are non-lactose fermenters and produce pale or colorless colonies on MacConkey agar.
Most salmonellae give an alkaline reaction in brilliant green agar and have red colonies.

On XLD medium, they produce H2S and have red colonies with a black center (Black center with red skirt).
On Salmonella and Shigella agar they produce colorless colonies with black center.
The test for lysine decarboxylation is positive.

Biochemical properties
Salmonella gives IMViC test -, +,-,+. They ferment maltose, mannitol, mannose and glucose and produce acid and gas. But do not ferment lactose, sucrose and salicin.
Urease negative. Most salmonellae produce H2S except S.cholera suis and S.paratyphi A.
Salmonella pullorum ferments glucose and rhamnose while S.gallinarum ferments dulcitiol and maltose.
The bacilli are destroyed at 55 oC in one hour or at 60 oC in 15mts.
Boiling or chlorination of water and pasteurization of milk destroys the bacilli.
Cultures may be viable for years if prevented from drying.
They are killed within 5 minutes by mercuric chloride (1:500) or 5% phenol.
Last modified: Monday, 4 June 2012, 5:17 AM