

Specimens to be collected

  • It includes faeces and blood from live animals, intestinal contents and tissue lesions from dead animals, abomasal contents from aborted fetuses and parenchymatous organs from septicaemic conditions.

Diagnosis based on

  • Symptoms and lesions
  • Isolation and identification of the organism - If the organism is less, initially it is enriched in peptone water and then inoculated in selective enrichment broth.
  • After incubation for 48 hours they are streaked onto selective enriched media.
  • The samples used are aborted fetus, feces, blood, milk, egg and visceral organs.
  • Agglutination test: In horses the O agglutinin titre of 1/1000 or more is considered positive.
  • Presence of agglutinin titre against H antigen indicates active infection.
  • In cattle a titre of 1 in 40 against O antigen and l in 320 against H antigen is considered positive.
  • In poultry a titre of l in 50 & l in 25 is indicative of active infection.
  • (Note: The agglutinin titre will vary with different areas for positive cases) (Click here for visual)

Slide agglutination test

  • Whole blood agglutination test: 1 drop of colored or plain pullorum antigen is mixed with 1 drop of blood and allowed for 2 minutes. In positive cases there will be clumps.
  • Tube agglutination test: In this test the sample serum is diluted serially to which 0.5 ml of constant amount of antigen is added and kept at 37°C in a water bath overnight.
  • Agglutinations in dilutions at a titre of 1 in 40 indicates a positive test.

Last modified: Monday, 4 June 2012, 5:18 AM