Treatment of fish diseases


  • Prophylactic and therapeutic measures for the prevention and treatment of diseases are detailed below:
    • Chemotherapy
    • Antibiotic therapy
    • Vaccination
    • Immunomodulators
  • Chemotherapy is the use of chemicals to treat fish diseases which is  done in the following ways:
    • Dip treatment: Fish are dipped into a concentrated solution of chemicals up to one minute.
    • Short bath: The chemical is added to the rearing system and allowed to remain for a period of up to one hour.
    • Long bath: Low concentration of chemicals is added to rearing system or aquaria and allowed to dissipate.
    • Medicated feed: The chemicals used for treatment can be mixed with the feed and fed to the fish.  





10 ppm bath, 3-20 days

External protozoan diseases


250 ppm bath for 1 hour in ponds

External protozoans, fungi, monogenetic trematodes

Malachite green

1 ppm bath for 30 min to 1 hour

External protozoans and fungi

Methylene blue

2 ppm for 10- 20 days

External protozoans

Quaternary ammonium compounds

2 ppm (active) for 1 hour

Gill disease

Sodium chloride

(Table salt)

3-5 g/ litre of rearing medium; bath treatment for 10-20 min.

Bacterial infections and protozoans

  • Antibiotic therapy: Use of antibiotics is widely followed for the treatment of fish. Terramycin, sulfadrugs and oxolininc acid are few of the  commonly used antibiotics in the treatment of fish diseases globally.  

Vaccination: ERM, BKD, Fur, Vibriosis, IPNV, VHA, IHN    

Last modified: Tuesday, 24 April 2012, 5:36 AM