Pharmacological actions
In normal animals it produces indifference to surroundings, psychomotor slowing, emotional quietening, reduction in initiative and tendency to sleep.
The effects are neutral and unpleasant.
In psychotic it reduces erratic behaviour, agitation and aggressiveness and produces control over the symptoms.
Anxiety is relieved. Hyperactivity,hallucinations and delusions are suppressed.
All Phenothiazines, thioxantheses, butyrophenones have same antipsychotic efficacy.
The aliphatic and piperidine compounds have low potency, produce more sedation.
Antipsychotic drugs take weeks to develop to produce sedation leading to tolerance to sedative effect.
Vigiliance is impaired, intelligence and performance are not disturbed.
The disturbed sleep pattern in a psychotic is normalized.
Chlorpromazine lowers seizure threshold and precipitate fits in untreated epileptics. Renders the patient poiklothermic.
Neuroleptic, at times has a potent antiemetic action exerted through the CTZ.
In animals selectively inhibits “conditioned avoidance response”
Catalepsy is produced.
Clozapine has a weak D2 blocking action.
The extrapyramidal effects are due to dopaminergic blockade in the basal ganglia
- Neuroleptics have a varying degree of alpha adrenergic blocking activity.
Anticholinergic property is weak
Have a weak H2 antihistaminic and anti-5HT action.
Local anaesthesia
Neuroleptics produce hypotension due to action on central and as well as peripheral sympathetic tone.
High doses of chlorpromazine directly depress heart and produces ECG changes (QT prolongation and suppression of T waves).
Skeletal muscle
Neuroleptic consistently increase prolactin resulting galactorrhoea and gynaecomastia.
Tolerance to sedative and hypotensive develops within days or weeks.
Oral absorption is unpredictable and bioavailability is low
So preferred i.m or i.v administration. Cross blood brain barrier hence concentration in the brain is higher than plasma.
Last modified: Wednesday, 16 May 2012, 6:20 AM