

  • It is removed from plasma by active reabsorption in the proximal tubules and then actively excreted by the cells of the distal tubules.
  • Potassium if a patient with renal disease becomes oliguric potassium is retained and a hyperkalemai may develop.
  • A patient with renal disease maintains adequate urine flow plasma potassium remains normal.


  • Ability to retain sodium is lost in the presence of generalized renal disease. Sodium loss is accompanied by water loss as the body attempts to maintain body fluid isotonically. Deficits occur in-patient with advanced renal disease.


  • Deficit occurs in renal disease.


  • Hyperphosphatemia – chronic progressive and generalized acute renal failure.


  • No change in acute renal disease. Hypocalcemia in terminal stages of disease.
Last modified: Thursday, 19 April 2012, 9:00 AM