Sulfanilate clearance


  • Sulfanilate is removed from the glomerular filtrate and measurement of sulfanilate clearance is a method for evaluating glomerular filtration.
  • Inject sodium sulfanilate iv 10% 20 mg/kg – body weight.
  • Collect blood samples 2-3 ml at 20,60 and 90 min
  • Determine the concentration of sulfanilate in the whole.
  • Plot results and calculatet ½
  • Normal 50-80
  • Greatest advantage than BUN.
  • Little increase in BUN
  • Simple to perform
  • No need to collect urine sample
  • Less time required
  • More accuracy

Bacterial culture:

  • If bacteria are observed in sediments from freshly collected urine cultural examination is warranted. Follow procedure as described in chapter 36.
Last modified: Tuesday, 2 November 2010, 11:27 AM