Bile pigments


  • Normally, bilirubin is present in freshly voided urine. On standing, it is converted into biliverdin (green colour), bilicyanine (blue) and cholestelin (violet, red, reddish yellow).
  • Iodine ring test
    • A sensitive cum reliable test
    • Layer a solution of 10% alcoholic iodine on urine in a test tube
    • A green colour indicates presence of bile
  • Harrison test
    • A sensitive test
    • To 5 ml of urine add 5 ml of 10% barium chloride in a test tube
    • Shake and filter it off
    • Let the filter paper dry
    • Then add 1-2 drops of Fouchet’s reagent
    • A green colour indicates bilirubinuria
  • Gmelin’s test
    • Bile pigments are oxidized by acids to coloured derivatives.
    • Take 2 ml of concentrated nitric acid in a test tube
    • Add 2 ml of urine along the side of the test tube
    • At the junction of the two fluids, a play of colour – green, blue, violet etc. will be observed if bile pigment is present


    • Moderate to severe hepatocellular damage
    • Obstruction of bile ducts, extrahepatic or intrahepatic
  • In early hepatocellular damage and haemolysis urine bilirubin may be negative.
Last modified: Monday, 25 October 2010, 11:17 AM