

  • Urobilinogen is normally present in urine. But, it will not be present in the case of obstructive jaundice.

Ehrlich’s test

  • Ehrlich’s aldehyde reagent
    • Paradimethlyaminobenzaldehyde – 2 g
    • 20 per cent aqueous solution of conc.HCl – 100 ml
      • Take 5 ml of the urine in a test tube
      • Add 0.5 ml of the Ehrlich’s aldehyde reagent
      • A pink colour is positive for urobilinogen.


  • Decreased amount or absence of urine urobilinogen
    • Obstruction of biliary passages
    • Decreased destruction of erythrocytes
    • Impaired intestinal absorption
    • Nephritis
  • Increased amount of urine urobilinogen
    • Hepatitis
    • Cirrhosis of liver
    • Haemolytic jaundice
Last modified: Monday, 25 October 2010, 11:19 AM