- This method requires the food to be cooked in steam.
- This is generated from vigorously boiling water or liquid in a pan so that the food is completely surrounded by steam and not in contact with the water or liquid.
- Hence the food gets cooked at 100oC.
- Steaming is generally done in idli cooker.
There are 2 types of steaming
a. Wet steaming
- Here the steam is in direct contact with the food e.g. idli.
b. Dry steaming
- Here double boiler is used for cooking the food.
- This process is used for such preparations as sauces and custards where temperatures below boiling point are desirable.
- The food is placed in a utensil which is kept in another utensil containing water.
- When the water is heated or boiled the food gets cooked.
- Recipes made by steaming are idli, dhokla, rice (or) ragi puttu, idiappam, appam, kolukattai and custards.
- It does not require constant attention.
- Nutritive value is maintained because there is no leaching and cooking time is less.
- Easily digestible since not much fat is added. It is good for children and patients.
- There is less chance for burning and scorching.
- In double boilers sudden increase in temperature in making custards and overflow of milk can be avoided.
- Texture of the food is better and becomes light and fluffy.
- Steamed foods have good flavour.
- Special equipment is required.
- Many foods cannot be prepared by this method eg. rice.
Last modified: Thursday, 31 May 2012, 9:32 AM