Cystotomy in cattle



Anesthesia and control

  • General anesthesia: Xylazine- 0.03 mg/kg IM.
  • Local or epidural anesthesia with lidocaine.


  • Pre-pubic site along linea alba starting in front of pubic symphysis to a length of 3-4 inches forward in female. In male incision put lateral to sheath and subsequently along linea alba. ( young animals)
  • Oblique flank incision.


  • Perform laparotomy.
  • Bladder is brought over to the incision on the abdominal wall, turned over its neck, isolate by packing suitably to prevent contamination of abdominal cavity.
  • An incision of about 2-3 inches is made on the dorsal surface of the bladder towards its neck.
  • Remove calculi or neoplastic growth.
  • Incision closed by inversion sutures.
  • Close the laparotomy wound.


  • Provide calcium: phosphorus ratio as 2:1.
  • Incorporate sodium chloride up to 4% of total ration to facilitate more water intake and urinary dilution.
  • Provide ammonium chloride 50-80 gm/day. Ruminitis is a complication
Last modified: Tuesday, 20 September 2011, 7:18 AM