

Urolithiasis (Renal, Ureteral, Cystic and Urethral calculi)

  • Urolithiasis means a condition of having urinary calculi or uroliths. Can be any of the following
    • Nephrolith – calculi in the kidney
    • Ureterolith – calculi in the ureter
    • Cystolith – calculi in the urinary bladder
    • Urethrolith – calculi in the urethra

Clinical presentation

  • Some breeds have higher incidence due to metabolic abnormalities (eg. Dalmatians)
  •  Signs depends on whether the stone has caused obstruction or associated infection is present
  •  Renal calculi – haematuria, flank pain or renomegaly
  •  Polyuria and polydipsia if the animal has pyelonephritis


  •  From symptoms
  •  Radiography and Ultrasonography


  • Treat the underlying infection
  • If the calculi is associated with obstruction, surgical removal is essential Surgical removal include the following
  • Nephrotomy for removal of renal calculi
  • Cystotomy for cystoliths
  • Urethrotomy for calculi in the urethra
Last modified: Tuesday, 27 September 2011, 9:39 AM