Affections of the ovary


Acquired ovarioan disorders

Ovarian cysts

  • Follicular cyst: develop from graffian follicles Clinical signs include prolonged estrous with bloody vaginal discharge, cystic mammary hyperplasia,
  • Lutein cysts: from corpus luteum after ovulation, maybe associated with cystic endometrial hyperplasia or pyometra. Mostly asymptomatic and found during routine ovariohysterectomy or laprotomy.
  • Parovarian cyst: originate either from remanats of mesonephric or paramesonephric ducts and tubules. More common in dogs than in cats. Located between ovaries and ovaries and uterine horns. No clinical signs and found incidentally.

Inflammatory diseases

  • Inflammatory disease of ovary and oviduct not a distinct disease. Ovaritis or pyosalphinx occurs secondary to pyometra.

Ovarian tumors

  • Large tumors palpable in the cranial right or left abdomen.
  • Surgical treatment includes ovariohysterectomy

Congenital anomalies of the uterus

  • Congenital abnormalities are rare in dogs and cats. Uterus unicornis, agenesis of uterine horn, hypoplasia, atresia, segmental aplasia, septate uterine body and double cervix.
Last modified: Friday, 1 July 2011, 12:17 PM