Affections of the vagina


Vaginal prolapse/hyperplasia

  • Vaginal prolapse/hyperplasia Ocuurs as a result of edematous enlargement of vaginasl tissue during estrus or proestrous.


Vaginal prolapse / hyperplasia

  • Vaginal prolapse occurs as a 360 o involvement of the protrusion of the mucosa where as hyperplasia arise from a stalk of mucosa from the vaginal floor.weakeness of the vaginal connective tissue results in edema and prolapse through the vulva.
  • occurs in young bitches 2years or younger and is extremly rare in cats.

Differential diagnosis - uterine prolapse.

  • The most common types of vulval vaginal tumors are fibroleiomyoma, sqaumous cell carcinoma,and transmissible veneral tumour.( Malignant)


  • If the protrusion is small the prolapse will resolve once the effects of estrogen diminshes.
  • For this GnRH can be given at the dose rate of 50 microgram / 40lb bodyweight.In TVT Vincrysticine can be administered at the dose rate of 0.025 mg/kg  up to 1 mg IV  weekly for 3-6 weeks

Surgical treatment

  • OHE is recommended to prevent injury to the evereted mucosa
  • Mannual reduction afetr episiotomy and suturing the vulval lips till edematous stage resorbs.
  • Resection of the protruding mass with OHE is recommended if the tissue is severly damaged.
  • Resection of the protruding mass without  OHE may require hysteropexy, cystopexy or colopexy' : but this is not practiced in TVT cases.
Last modified: Friday, 1 July 2011, 12:21 PM