Surgical affections of uterus and its treatment


Affections of uterus

Atresia or occlusion of the OS uteri

  • This condition may be due to a neoplasm or cicatricial contraction.
  • In renders impregnation difficult or impossible.(implantation)


  • When the opening is not completely obliterated, it may be dilated with the fingers or special dilators.


Wounds of the Uterus

  • It may be confined to its mucous membrane or extend more deeply and perforate abdominal cavity.
  • Gravid uterus may be rupfused by violent impact of the abdominal wall against a fixed object.


  • Rupture during gestation, all that can be done is to treat for internal haemorrhage.
  • Non perforating wounds inflicted at the time of parturition are treated by antiseptic irrigation and antiseptic cpessaries.
  • When the organ is perforalted, these is no effective treatment for the condition.
  • The administration of sedative medicine to allay straining may help to bring about spontaneous recovery.
  • When haemorrhage is profuse, measures to assest it are indicated.



  • Haemorrhage from the uterus is usually the result of a round inflicted during parturition.



  • Grave



  • Cold douches over the loins.
  • Injections of cold or very hot water into the uterus
  • Packing the uterus and vagina with sterilized cloths
  • Hypodermic injection of adrenalin or pituitrin - more effective
  • Packing material should be removed after 24 hrs.
  • Uterus should be irrigated with suitable antiseptic solution.



  • Inflammation of uterus due to presence of pathogenic bacteria, local inflammation, febrile disturbance, offensive muco – parculent dischange from the vagina.



  • Repeated irrigation by antiseptic solutions, antiseptic pessaries
  • Administering suitable medicine internally, including pericillin
  • In chronic cases autogenous vaccine is indicated



  •  Pus formation in the uterus. It is opened and closed pyometra.

pyometra-dog pyometra

Pyometra - Dog


  • Perform laparotomy.
  • The ant ovarian ligament is cut.
  • Ligature the anterior utero – ovarian vessels.
  • The ovary is disconnected from its anterior attachment.
  • Posterior uterine anteries are ligatured and cut in level with the cervix.
  • Broad ligament of the uterus is torn to liberate the uterine cornea.
  • Apply two clamps anterior to the cervix and cut in between them to finally disconnect and remove the uterus with the ovaries.
  • The stump can be either closed by inversion sutures when the calmp is removed.
  • The laparotory wound is sutured.


Pyometra - Cat

  • Complication -- stump pyometra


Stump pyometra


Uterine torsion

  • Condition uncommon in dogs and cats. The ravid or non-gravid uterus can rotate clockwise or counter-clockwise from 90° to more than 200°.
  • Cause: jumping during or running late in pregnancy, active fetal movements, premature uterine contraction
  • Treatment: ovariohysterectomy and c-section if viable fetuses are present.

Uterine prolapse

  • Possible mechanisms: excessive relaxation and stretching of pelvic musculature, uterine atony due to metritis, incomplete separation of placental membranes, severe tenesmus, post partum contractions intensified by oxytocin release during lactation.
  • Treatment: if animal is in good condition manual reduction maybe attempted. Sterile gauze soaked in warm sterile saline placed around the uterus. General or epidural anesthesia is usually necessary.
  • Extensive uterine devitalization needs ovariohysterecomy after reduction of prolapse. If reduction is not possible the uterus is amputated and stump reduced.

Uterine rupture

  • Rupture of gravid uterus rare occurrence and can occur during parturition or after severe trauma.
  • Fetuses expelled into the abdominal cavity may die immediately or be reabsorbed or remain intact, causing peritonitis. If fetal circulation remains intact fetuses may live to term.
  • Acute uterine rupture treated by ovariohysterectomy.Uterine neoplasia
  • Clinical signs may be abdominal enlargement or a palpable abdominal mass. If the tumor obstructs the lumen mucometra or hydrometra may develop.


  • Ovariohysterectomy uncommon in dogsand cats. One or both the horns may proloapse during prolonged labour or upto 48 hours after parturition when the cervix is extremely dilated.


Last modified: Friday, 1 July 2011, 12:04 PM