Proforma for certificate of fitness to Travel-Dogs / Cats

This certificate should be completed and signed by a qualified Veterinary Surgeon.

Date and time of examination: ........................................................... .

Species of dogs/cats: ........................................................................ .

Number of cages: ........................... Number of dogs / cats ..................... .

Sex ....................................... Age ............................................... .

Breed and identification marks, if any ................................................. .

Transported from .............................. to ........................ via ...................... .

I hereby certify that I have read rules 8 to 14 in Chapter IT of the Transport of Animals Rules, 1978.

  • That, at the request of (consignor) ...................................................... I have examined the above mentioned dogs/cats in their travelling cages not more than 12 hours before their departure.
  • That each of the dogs/cats appeared to be in good health, free from signs of injury, contagious and infectious disease including rabies and in a fit condition to travel by railroad /inland waterway/sea/air.
  • That the dogs/cats were adequately fed and watered for the purpose of the journey.
  • That the dogs/cats have been vaccinated.
    • Type of vaccine/s:
    • Date of vaccination/s:

Signed .............................................. .

Address .............................................. .

Qualification …………………………..

Date ………………..


Last modified: Tuesday, 5 June 2012, 12:13 PM