Vas deferens or Ductus deferens
Vas deferens extends from tail of epididymis to colliculus seminalis of the pelvic urethra.
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It is a siphon shaped structure for the exit of spermatozoa.
Vas deferens passes parallel to the testis into the spermatic cord through the inguinal canal and dorsomedially to the neck of the urinary bladder.
It has uniform thickness up to the urinary bladder.
Thickness is 3 mm in bulls and 6 mm in stallion.
Blood supply: Internal pudic artery and spermatic artery.
Nerve supply: Pelvic plexus.
Terminal fusiform enlarged glandular portion of vas deferens is called as ampulla of the vas deferens
Bull: Length – 10 -15 cm, Diameter – 1-1.5 cm
Stallion: Length – 15-20 cm, Diameter – 2-2.5 cm
Ampulla is absent in dog and cat.
It is smaller in boars.
Ampulla lies dorsal to the urinary bladder and passes beneath the body of the prostate and opens in the round prominence into the pelvic urethra called as colliculus seminalis.
Last modified: Tuesday, 12 June 2012, 4:23 AM