Large amount of erectile tissue is present in the penis of stallion
Length about 50 cm ; diameter 2.5 to 6 cm ; 15-20 cm lies, free in the prepuce.
At the time of erection the penis will double its length and thickness, with the glans penis gets enlarged three or more times than its normal size
Dorsal to the urethral process of the glans penis, the urethral sinus or diverticulum is located which is sometimes filled with smegma which is called as BEAN.
Length : 45-55 cm ; at the time of copulation 20-35 cm, may protrude beyond the preputial opening. The retractor penis muscle is not as strong as in the bull.
The os-penis is characteristically found in male dog.
The penis of dog in its caudal part has two distinct corpora cavernosa in its caudal part separated by a median septum.
Length about 6.5 – 25 cm .
In the cranial free portion, there is a bone called os peniswhich varies from 5 to 10 cm in length, depending upon the size of the dog. Ventrally, this bone is grooved for the urethra.
Penile bone also present in foxes, raccoons and hedgehogs.
Glans penis has two parts, the pars longa glandis and the bulbus glandis.
Bulbus glandis expands greatly at the time of erection and prevents withdrawal during ejaculation. Vagina also contracts over the penis. This results in coital lock or copulatory tie
Penis has terminal cap about 1 cm that contains numerous papillae or spines pointing towards the base of the penis. These may cause the female to cry out of intromission