The secondary andrological organ, which is comprised of cutaneous fold for enveloping the penis, is known as prepuce (cutaneous sheath)
It is the double invagination of skin which contains and covers the free portion of penis, when it is non-erect.
It covers the body of the penis behind the glans, when the penis is erect.
Preputial orifice is the external opening of the prepuce.
Preputial lining is a freely movable membrane or modified skin which is attached firmly only at glans penis and preputial orifice.
Blood supply: External pudendal artery
Nerve supply: Innervation from pudic, ilio-hypogastric, ilio-inguinal nerves
The salient functions of prepuce are:
Prepuce is long and narrow (35-40 cm length).
Preputial orifice is surrounded by a tuft of long preputial hairs.
There are usually 2 pairs of cranial and caudal preputial muscles, protractors and retractors that draw the preputial opening forward or backward.
The fornix of the prepuce is the point at which the prepuce reflects upon the penis just caudal to the glans.
Has preputial cavity of 15-20 cm deep and then a second reflection of prepuce to form the prepuce proper of the penis. The opening between these two cavities is called as the “preputial ring”.
The engaging and disengaging of the glans penis in the preputial ring causes the sucking noise frequently heard when the gelding or stallion trots.
Caudal part of the prepuce is narrow and the cranial part wide.
Intra preputial urination
Swine and ruminants urinate inside the prepuce
Extra preputial urination
Last modified: Monday, 4 June 2012, 9:10 AM