Ampoule method
Method of freezing
- This method was developed in USA by Macpherson (1954), Vandemark and Kinney (1954).
- Immediately after equilibration the semen of o.5-1.0 ml is placed in previously marked glass ampoules
- These ampoules were sealed over flame leaving 0.5 ml air space
- The ampoules are placed in ethyl alcohol or acetone bath at 5⁰C
- Small quantity of solid carbondioxide the temperature was brought from 5⁰C to -15⁰C (at the rate of 1-2⁰C/min).
- Now more solid carbondioxide is added to bring the temperature to -79⁰C (at the rate of 4-5⁰C/min).
- Six to eight ampoules are arranged in clips or metal cane and each cane is marked with identification of individual bull.
- Then the ampoules are stored in solid carbondioxide at -79⁰C or in liquid nitrogen at-196⁰C.
Semen is placed in glass ampoules, sealed, frozen and preserved in liquid Nitrogen.
- For insemination, the ampoule is thawed in warm water, ampoule is cut, semen is drawn into glass catheter and is used as liquid semen.
Since the semen is sealed inside ampoule, contamination during storage is avoided.
Identification of sample is possible as the bull number etc. can be marked on the ampoule.
As the semen is frozen in a large volume, the freezability and fertility are less.
It occupies more space in frozen semen containers.
While thawing and insemination, about 8 – 10 per cent semen is lost.
Use of glass catheters for A.I. has several drawbacks.
Last modified: Monday, 4 June 2012, 10:24 AM